WinPlus Corporation Apps

Transmission 1.0
***********Transmission***********手機連結藍芽裝置 ,透過UART介面互傳資料.APP可傳訊息至藍芽和接收藍芽訊息.***********Transmission***********Bluetooth phone link means pass each other through theUARTinterface information.APP can transmit and receive messages to BluetoothBluetoothmessage.
Dimple Global 2.4
台灣文化創意在產品轉型、異業合作中,非常亮眼。我們觀察到一般的3C產品已經無法滿足或改善大眾的需求,打造精品質感或許容易,卻無法普及。一般民眾需要一個可以拉近距離又能改善需求的產品。因此將藍芽科技技術結合時下最夯的可愛療癒公仔造型、飾品、行動裝置,希望能貼近大眾的心,有效改善需求,讓生活更愜意。操作步驟如下:1.開啟-a.打開包裝盒b.取出Dimplec.抽取電池隔片d.將零件裝回2. 安裝Dimple APPa.手機/平板需有Bluetooth 4.0(限iOS和android裝置)b.至App store或Play商店搜尋Dimple。c.免費下載安裝Dimple APP至您的手機/平板上。3.開啟Dimple Appa.配對:按+,彈出配對對話框顯示Dimple 編碼,請按OK。+會變成X,即完成手機和Dimple配對。b.請將Dimple吊掛在物品上。注意!X即為刪除手機和Dimple配對4. Dimple狀態a.電量顯示滿格為電量充足。無格為無電量,請更換電池。b.訊號顯示滿格為訊號較強烈。無格為無訊號,請注意場所是否容易無訊號。5. 找尋有吊掛Dimple物品a.找尋有吊掛Dimple物品按下 後,Dimple 會發出聲音燈光,即可找尋到物品。b.找尋手機 按下 Dimple 按鈕,手機會發出鈴響。Taiwan's culturalandcreative in product transition, cross-industry collaboration,veryrosy. We observed a general 3C products have been unable tomeetthe needs of the public or improve, build quality textureperhapseasy, but not universal. Usually people need a pull up closebutalso improve demand. Therefore Bluetooth technology combinedwith aram among the most healing lovely doll modeling, jewelry,mobiledevices, hoping to close to the public's heart, improvedemand, tomake life more bearable.Follow these steps:1. Open -a. Open the boxb. Remove Dimplec. extraction battery spacerd. Replace the parts2. Install Dimple APPa. phone / tablet need Bluetooth 4.0(Limited iOS and android devices)b. to the Play Store App store or search Dimple.c. Free to download and install Dimple APP on your phone/tablet.3. Turn Dimple App. a pairing: Press +, the pop-up dialog box displays Dimplepairingcoding, press OK. + Will become X, complete the phone andDimplepairing.b. Please Dimple hanging on the article.NOTE! X is remove the phone and Dimple pair4. Dimple statea. power displayFull grid is fully charged.Lattice is no power, replace the battery.b. Signal DisplayFull grid of the signal more intense.Lattice is no signal, please note how easily place no signal.5. Find articles have hanging Dimplea. Find articles have hanging DimpleAfter pressing, Dimple will sound light, you can findtheitems.b. Find the phoneDimple button is pressed, the phone rang.